Friday, November 19, 2021

the real presence of jesus in the eucharist (bp rober barron, 2020)

19 nov 2021

this just popped up in my youtube screen. for me, it's a confirmation of the last webinar I gave the SJFH seminarians (12 nov 2021) titled "in the beginning was the word..." by which I meant "I love you."

>"vi verborum" -- by the force / power of the word (council of Trent -- counter-reformation: "truly, really, substantially") vs. luther (Christ is "in" or "with" the bread) 

>transubstantiation (st Thomas, affirmed by st pope paul vi in Mysterium Fidei just before the final papers of vatican ii would be released; "aptissime" -- most aptly called) is more than just transignification (change of sign) & transfinalization (change of purpose / finality) -- two popular theological theories in the 1950s & 60s prior to vatican ii 

>in transubstantiation, the SPECIES / what is accidental (what is perceived by the sense) remains, but the SUBSTANCE / what is essential (the core reality) is changed! (st thomas used aristotelian philosophy to explain this theological truth)

>the priest who is ordained for the purpose utters Jesus' words in the FIRST PERSON during consecration vs prior to it which is third person: "Jesus took bread..."

>st thomas: in baptism, we were regenerated (generation), in confirmation incremented (augmentum), & in the eucharist fed (alimentum)

                 : the eucharist can be called a sacrifice (sacrificium) in reference to the past, a communion (communion) in reference to the present, a viaticum in reference to the future, & a eucharist (eucharistia) for all eternity because all we will do in heaven is to thank & prasie Him!

                 : the eucharist is not just a figure or a sign, but TRUTH (secundum veritatem -- according to the truth)

                  : substance is the deepest core of a being