source: Fr John Hardon. Modern Catholic Dictionary. Eternal Life.,
1. actual grace = temporary (transient divine assistance) supernatural intervention by God to enlighten the MIND or strengthen the WILL to perform supernatural action that leads to heaven
2. efficacious grace = the actual grace to which free consent is given by the will so that the grace produces its divinely intended effect; (cause: grace itself c/o Banez, OP et al. vs. personal disposition c/o Molina, SJ et al. -- in both, efficacious grace doe snot necessitate the WILL nor destroy human FREEDOM)
3. gratuitous grace (gratia gratis data = grace freely given) = the free gift conferred on particular persons for the salvation of OTHERS; independent of the personal moral life or behavior of its possessor; e.g. CHARISMATA (prophecy, gift of miracles, gift of tongues), priestly power of CONSECRATION & ABSOLUTION, hierarchical power of jurisdiction
4. habitual grace = constant supernatural quality of the soul which sanctifies a person inherently and makes him/her just & pleasing to God; aka "SANCTIFYING GRACE" or "JUSTIFYING GRACE"
5. justifying grace = grace by which a person is restored to God's friendship, either for the first time, as in baptism, or after baptism, as in the sacrament of penance
6. sacramental grace = the grace conferred by the valid & fruitful reception of the sacraments
a. sanctifying grace -- baptism, penance, anointing of the sick when needed
b. sanctifying grace is ALWAYS increased when a SACRAMENT is received in the state of grace
d. actual grace is given by ALL the SACRAMENTS, either actually at the time of reception or also by title as a person needs divine help
e. the SACRAMENTAL CHARACTER is INDELIBLY IMPRINTED on the SOUL in baptism, confirmation, & the priesthood
7. sanating grace = divine grace in its function of healing [from Latin: sanare = heal] the ravages of sin, original & persona, in human nature, affecting both the MIND and the WILL
>Grace heals the WILL by giving strength to DESIRE and ACCEPTANCE the known WILL OF GOD, & JOY in its performance.
8. sanctifying grace = the supernatural state of being infused by God, which permanently inheres in the soul; the VITAL PRINCIPLE of the supernatural life, as the rational soul is the vital principle of a human being's natural life
NB: differential definition -- Charity belongs to the WILL, whereas sanctifying grace belongs to the WHOLE soul, mind, will, & affections.
:sanctifying = makes HOLY those who possess the gift by giving them a PARTICIPATION in the DIVINE LIFE
9. sufficient grace = actual grace considered apart from the supernatural effect for which it was bestowed; the grace that does NOT meet with any co-operation on the part of the human recipient, or the grace that gives one the POWER to accomplish a salutary ACTION