Thursday, September 6, 2007

holiness: tips

re: follow christ
"incorprated in christ by baptism, christians are 'dead to sin and alive to god in christ jesus' and to participate in the life of the risen lord. [rom 6:11, 6:5; col 2:12]. following christ and united with him [cf. jn 15:5], christians can strive to be 'imitators of god as beloved chidren, and walk in love' [eph 5:1-2] by conforming their THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS to the 'mind which is yours in christ jesus,' [phil 2:5], and by FOLLOWING HIS EXAMPLE (cf. jn 13:12-16]."
- ccc (1994) # 1694

re: the beatitudes
"... the way of christ is summed up in the beatitudes, the ONLY PATH that leads to the eternal beatitude for which the human heart longs;"
- ccc 1697

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